Monday, October 31, 2011

[Do You Care?] Kim Kardashian Files For Divorce!!

Not that I am surprised, but I seriously thought that Kim Kadashian would have hung in there just to prove to the world that she isn't just a thirsty media whore who thrives off attention and such ... But she has unfortunately proved the critics to be right, and reasons to believe that her on camera love for Kris Humphries was possibly all for show. 

Just a few moments ago Ryan Seacrest, the producer of the Kardashian reality TV shows, took to twitter announcing that yup, Kim is Filing for divorce

According to People Mag, Kim's lawyer states that due to "irreconcilable differences" the couple have decided to split as of today, 10.31.11.

And Its quite shameful and pathetic, that these two have only been married for 72 days and their 'martial bliss' is over. And truly makes you wonder do people marry for love nowadays or just for status, money or fame? 

My Thoughts: I'm really a fan of Kim's persona or past history, but I've tried to give her the benefit of the doubt and believe that this "relationship" was real. However falling in love with someone you've known for only 5 days is just asking for trouble ... smh. I feel bad for her, but she really needs to do better and maybe taking a seat in a corner alone to reflect just may help.. 

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