Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Amber Rose Discusses How She Went From The Projects to Penthouses

Yall remember when Amber Rose was a mute? I swear you couldn't pay this chick to utter a mumbling word, but lately she called Kim Kardashian a whore and said that Kanye aint sh*t ... 
Well it doesn't stop there, in her new interview with the NY PostAmber Rose talks about her sweet come-up that came with some fame and a new lifestyle. 
She explains how Kanye was captain save a hoe and took her from the projects to penthouses .... 
How It All Started:
“I was home in The Bronx, and he called me on my cellphone,” she recalled. “I’d never met him before. He was like, ‘Hey, it’s Kanye.” - She promptly hung up on him, mistaking the famous rapper for a prank caller. -- Kanye called back and finally convinced her he was serious about flying her to LA to star in his Robocop video.  

Thoughts on Kanye: 
“He is your typical rapper in the industry,” Amber told The Post over dinner at The Lion, a celebrity hot spot in the West Village. “He can’t be faithful, and it’s not just with one person. He’s just unfaithful with a lot of different women. I got to the point where I thought, my heart can’t take it anymore. I don’t deserve this. I don’t care when people say that I owe him my life because I’m famous now. I don’t owe him nothing.” 

On Her Relationship With Wiz: 
“I was scared, because he’s four years younger than me, and he’s in the same industry as Kanye and I was so over all that,” said Amber. “All odds were against him, but I couldn’t fight the feeling. Wiz is the better man.” 

“We both travel a lot, so when we do see each other, we lay up in the bed, get sticky with each other, and watch movies,” said Amber. “If Wiz felt insecure about me dating Kanye, I wouldn’t be with him today. Everyone is someone’s sloppy seconds, unless you’re a virgin." 

Thoughts of fame: 
“Like every poor person, I used to dream about winning the lottery,” said Amber, who estimated she’s worth millions today. “I didn’t just get money, though. I got fame. And I got fame before I got money, and it was scary. It f---ing sucks.” 

My Thoughts: 
Talk about a Come Up? No shade intended, but its hard for me to respect a woman who's success, career, fame or status is determined by who she is or has slept with. Its just not a good look ---  So, Ladies lets do better :) 


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