Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weekend Fuckery || Charges, Jail Visits, & Stabbings!!

So Antoine Dodson, yes "Mr. Hide Ya Kids Hide Ya Wife" was arrested this past weekend for the possession of marijuana and other various charges ... whoops I knew it wouldn't take long .. but seriously tho.. are his 15 mins up yet?? 

Remember her?? Yes that's the chick (Farrah Franklin) that spent all of 5 mins in the group Destiny's Child .. after being kicked out ever so quickly. So apparently she was arrested for disorderly conduct ... oh ok .. I don't care but Im sure some one does ..... NEXT!! 

I don't know him but maybe you do .. but NFL Receiver for the Miami Dolphins (Brandon Marshall) but his wife stabbed him in the stomach with a kitchen knife!! .... She said it was in self defense ..oh so his a woman beater???!!.. Hmmm interesting. smdh. 


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